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Prometheus label cardinality. Apr 25, 2023 · Tracking cardinality issues.

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Prometheus label cardinality. html>pb

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Prometheus label cardinality. Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user Oct 14, 2022 · The prometheus config limits the labels collected. – Labels in Loki perform a very important task: They define a stream. May 28, 2018 · Metric name is really just another label with a special name, i. md * Make sure missing YAML configuration attributes have reasonable defaults * Update all vendored dependencies Jan 24, 2017 · From our experience and thinking saying that 100 label values is a high number means Prometheus cant be used in an environments that have more then a 100 servers / services ? i don't think thats the case. Apr 25, 2023 · Tracking cardinality issues. You can use the following PromQL query to check the cardinality based on various attributes: topk (10, count by (job) ( {job=~". The resulting metric has ~12 labels in prometheus, all of which are extremely low cardinality (normally 1 value) and static, one label (service_id) that is approximately 650 values, and another metric (dataset) that is related to the service_id but will only vary by The short answer is to instrument everything. 12. If reads and writes to InfluxDB have started to slow down, high series cardinality (too many series) may be causing memory issues. prometheus. Between two scalars, the behavior is obvious: they evaluate to another scalar May 28, 2021 · Just to compare, to achieve the same with just Prometheus, you would need a metric per key, stored as a label, which is, of course, unbound. +"}) > 50 I get the error: vector contains metrics with the same labelset after applying rule labels. Take steps to understand and resolve high series cardinality. Apr 26, 2023 · There is an excellent dashboard to find and understand the cardinality of Prometheus metrics, there are 162 different values for the type label. This Apr 4, 2017 · 1. Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or Overview Grafana Enterprise Metrics provides the ability to understand the cardinality of your metrics and labels using Cardinality management dashboards that are shipped with the Grafana Enterprise Metrics plugin or via the Admin API. In such cases what the user cares about is the Node on which the Pod runs and not the Pod itself. Feb 21, 2018 · The metric is added in a central place from the app and at any point, we will be having different combinations of the labels leading to different time series. Not have any firewall/LB/proxy that filters away requests with unknown method. 4k 2 36 43. Dropping every unused metric can be time-consuming and even counterproductive because the relabeling rules will consume a significant amount of resources on your Prometheus instance. Each unique combination of labels increases the cardinality of the data set. set(int(type[1])) Also note that the Gauge you create will not appear in the registry that you send to pushgateway. If just one label value changes, this creates a new stream. Define your metric as such: var jobsInQueues = promauto. A new label is added, "user_id" (and there are 10,000 users), but "user_id" is only set on the /users/ endpoint and not when the endpoint label is set to anything else. Sometimes, however, metrics are more generic, like standardized metrics exported by client libraries. We have written an extensive guide on using multiple techniques like relabeling, aggregation, and dropping labels to manage high cardinality metrics in Prometheus. Labels are used to identify and group metrics, but when labels have high cardinality (i. static_configs: - targets: [ '192. This can be useful in Prometheus rule evaluations, since it lets you generate a new metric for a series by appending labels from another info metric. That’s reduced our spend on Grafana Cloud Aug 19, 2015 · If I understand correctly, Prometheus is for someone who already have a Hadoop cluster or such to do the number crunching for the business side and uses Prometheus to monitor such clusters. When pods are deployed, their deployment has certain pod-related labels as shown below. Mar 8, 2018 · Prometheus documentation states: CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. I tried with simplest: count by (problematic_label)(server_request_duration_ms_bucket) but for 12h query range it takes 60s to g Oct 10, 2023 · Label filtering is a mechanism that allows you to filter out irrelevant labels from a metric, thereby reducing its cardinality. Please let me know if the question is not Jul 18, 2017 · 16. - server3. Prometheus Label Cardinality Keep label values well-bounded Cardinalities are multiplicative What ultimately matters: Ingestion: total of a couple million series Queries: limit to 100s or 1000s of series Choose metrics, labels, and #targets accordingly Dec 18, 2023 · In other words, high cardinality occurs when there are a large number of distinct label combinations associated with your metrics. Nov 13, 2023 · However, caution is advised as label removal could lead to information loss. For metrics specific to an application, the prefix is usually the application name itself. Cardinality refers to the number of unique sets of labels for a given metric in a time series database like Prometheus. Dec 13, 2018 · As each label value produces another time-series? I also read in multiple places that Prometheus can handle millions of time-series at once, so even if I have 1 label with one million distinct values, I should be fine in terms of time-series count, do I have to worry about the labels having high cardinality in this case? Jun 10, 2022 · KSM already fetches each resource label during metric collection. Jan 31, 2021 · Many such built in meta data objects are available in Prometheus, which can help you modify appropriate labels to make them more meaningful or invariant. com. I have 2 servers for redundancy and locality. With over 600 unique values, you might have problems either way. all independent metrics that match the regex above will show as a separate metric not all as Nov 12, 2022 · It seems you'd like to have a label where the value differs per execution. In general, keep your cardinality low; Loki generates labels for you on the fly! How to manage high cardinality metrics in a Prometheus environment. However in many cases the Pod itself is not what you are monitoring but the Pod is used to expose metrics that relate to the Node. Sep 4, 2022 · The exported labels is 20 if no frequency option enable in BPF (-DCPU_FREQ). , a characteristic) of a system that is being measured. Examples: prometheus _notifications_total (specific to the Prometheus server) process _cpu_seconds_total (exported by many client libraries) Jan 27, 2020 · I agree with @brian-brazil against the use of username as a label (PII and high cardinality, high cost if you're paying for prom). For you the code may like this: - job_name: 'development'. In the worst case, it is the product of all labels’ cardinalities. For many organizations, the transition to cloud native architectures, adoption of Prometheus, and flexibility to instrument applications have resulted in an explosion of metrics. expr: 'sum(http_request_duration_bucket) by (le, slo, job, namespace, pod)', record: 'http_request_duration_bucket:slo', } but the issue with this approach is that I will Jan 14, 2022 · Dapr 1. Jun 13, 2021 · multiple matches for labels: many -to-one matching must be explicit (group_left / group_right) Unless logical binary operator and|unless|or is used, Prometheus always considers at least one side of the binary operation as having the cardinality of "one". Oct 25, 2018 · Prometheus simply scrapes the metrics from KSM - this way Prometheus doesn't need to scrape the individual pods. 1 or above, in order to stop being affected you can: Remove method label name from counter/gauge you use in the InstrumentHandler. Could you try grepping -DCPU_FREQ from kepler log to confirm this assumption? Nov 15, 2022 · To get the count of unique labels / values for each label technically you can use this metric (Prometheus creates a different time-series for every metric-label-value combination): # HELP prometheus_tsdb_head_series_created_total Total number of series created in the head # TYPE prometheus_tsdb_head_series_created_total counter prometheus_tsdb CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Dec 1, 2022 · 2. static_configs: - targets: - server1. * but not group by. Loki was not built for this and it will hate you. Jun 12, 2020 · How do I configure prometheus (currently using the coreos operator if that matters), to keep only app=foo and drop the label baz, so that I end up with: some_metric{app="foo"} For what it's worth, here's what I currently have and the labels are showing up as is: - action: keep sourceLabels: ["app"] regex: "foo" - action: labeldrop regex: "baz" May 14, 2021 · # When enabled, only the status label matching the last run # of a pipeline or job will be submitted (optional, default: true) output_sparse_status_metrics: true pull: environments: # Whether or not to pull project environments & their deployments # (optional, default: false) enabled: false # Filter out by name environments to include Nov 19, 2019 · Each of these metrics already has high cardinality being a histogram (the le label), so this will result in huge increases in prometheus metrics. More specifically, the combination of every label key and value defines the stream. For example, Prometheus ships with a TSDB status page in the UI to help identify high cardinality metrics and labels, and Grafana Mimir provides endpoints that can identify labels with a high number of values. That won't change the cardinality at all. Dec 20, 2023 · Never put a high cardinality field in a label value. What is a metric? In Prometheus, everything revolves around metrics. I'm using Prometheus to monitor Dapr sidecars. You need to pass registry to your Gauge class instantiation: g = Gauge(type[0], f'process status for {type[0]}', label_keys, registry=registry) If you don't do that, the metric goes into the default Use labels with care watch out what you put into your labels. The time to start backfilling the new rule from. Removing unnecessary labels, can reduce the number of unique label combinations, reducing the overall metric cardinality. May 23, 2019 · What Prometheus doesn't like is high-cardinality labels. Therefore the path label has high cardinality and I'm ending up with huge amounts of data (20MB+ on each scrape run) and Prometheus memory usage. As the expression works when using it directly in prometheus, I wonder if there is an actual way to use it in an alert? Aug 19, 2018 · In the Prometheus documentation it warns not to label high cardinality metrics. I understand that dropping the pod label immediately leads to bad metrics Aug 4, 2021 · Joins in PromQL. 0. Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or other unbounded sets Sep 13, 2023 · A service is running, and being scraped, and is reporting metrics to prometheus for 100 different endpoints that are all being hit, e. 28/latest Mar 25, 2022 · I know this is possible at query time, but I'm asking about scrap time as idea is to reduce the number/cardinality of metrics stored in prometheus. Sep 27, 2022 · Check existing cardinality in a Prometheus server. They have two important labels: APP and TEAM: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: APP: AppABC TEAM: TeamABC Metric exporter container version 1. Prometheus performance almost always comes down to one thing: label cardinality. You can use a regex query: my_metric{group=~"misc group. A great example of this is per-tenant alerting in multi-tenanted systems like Loki. Nov 8, 2023 · The Cardinality Challenge in Prometheus. If you cannot upgrade to v1. You should now be able to disable metrics or drop them, depending on what suits best your use-case. - server2. 0 this type of search will be substantially improved with the assistance of Bloom We did find a fast and low effort response on spend with Adaptive Metrics…We can increase metric verbosity when actively debugging and need labels that provide granular detail. Here is my solution: use job_name as the group label. Instead, you should be looking at using a GaugeVec (gauge vector) with a label name. Race Conditions Feb 28, 2022 · Our cardinality management dashboards give you the ability to analyze your data from a broad perspective to a more targeted view. A high value here can indicate something that may not be suitable for use as a label, and based on the other results above the name label from node_systemd_unit_state has a bit more than is wise. This is a Prometheus exporter for exposing metrics related to the cardinality of metrics and labels Feb 15, 2022 · Ingestion Memory - memory used by Prometheus to ingest data - load and process it from targets? Do I understand correctly Cardinality Memory and Ingestion Memory? Is my calculation process correct? Is there better way how to estimate memory for Prometheus? Using Prometheus in docker prometheus:v2. Patches #962 #987; Workarounds. Before diving into the technical details of how we set it up with Scylla, note Loki’s documentation about cardinality. , many different values), it can lead to a large number of time series being created in the Prometheus database. 1:9100' ] labels: Apr 26, 2021 · Describe the bug Excessive Prometheus metrics cardinality causes server degradation. Instrumentation should be an integral part of your code. The full list of such meta data is Kubernetes Pod Monitors & Re-Labeling. For the former, do something like ch <- prometheus. labels(*label_values). example. Those labels show you what service the pod belongs to. At the moment my suspicion is this is triggered because "NULL" fields are actually dropped rather then returned as empty labels. Mar 7, 2023 · A static_config allows specifying a list of targets and a common label set for them. Apr 7, 2024 · Avoid High Cardinality: Limit the use of labels to prevent high cardinality, reducing resource consumption. Avoid cardinality explosion, unbounded labels will blow up Prometheus. In order to reduce Prometheus memory usage, we decided to drop some labels. e. Sep 29, 2023 · What happens if cardinality of a single metric name increases with the addition of these tags since the overall cardinality will remain unchanged. In very special cases, however, where the new label perfectly correlates with a specific set of existing label values, it is possible to add additional labels without increasing cardinality and while keeping Prometheus happy. 168. May 22, 2019 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jul 9, 2020 · The label (route) which is causing the high cardinality is not needed for this query, so I attempted to create a recording rule to remove all of the unnecessary labels. 4. I've got a high volume service in which many different paths are being called. HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus. {endpoint="/users/"} and 99 other endpoints. idleDesc, prometheus. A metric is a feature (i. Ensure to thoroughly assess the potential consequences before executing modifications. MetricsManager middleware creates a new label for all unique URLs, which results in server resources depletion and eventually, panics (see https://githu Aug 15, 2023 · * Fix Prometheus label cardinality when reporting disconnect * Add hints about monitoring "large" queue managers in TUNING. internally it is __name__ ="http-requests_total" You don't get around cardinality by putting data in the name rather than in it's own label. Learning Prometheus and PromQL. My problem is different but the solution can be similar so I want to gave Prometheus a try. Cardinality can also cause writes to fail if it exceeds your plan’s adjustable service quota. Nov 19, 2023 · I want to check how cardinality of one label has changed over time. 18/2. g. Learning Series. Resolve high series cardinality. CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. A simple Prometheus exporter for exposing the cardinality of metrics Prometheus has scraped. Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or other unbounded sets of values. Traceid being basically unique per visit will lead to drastic rate of time series creation and very-very bad performance of Prometheus. Many of our applications run 10-20 pods, so the metrics explosion of switching to metrics which are labeled with the pod name I believe is going to be pretty huge and potentially unmanageable. Currently they're copied from the many side, so this break all existing users of group_. 3 crashes with following stack: panic: inconsistent label cardinality: expected 1 label values but got 0 in []string(nil) Aug 13, 2023 · In short, the cardinality of a label is the number of distinct values that were observed. Looking at the TSDB Status page (/tsdb-status) of one of our Prometheus instances, we found one of the labels with the highest cardinality was the label pod that simply contained the pod name. The idea behind these dashboards is to start with the overview dashboard and then drill down to more detailed information regarding specific metrics or labels. This makes going from alert to console to code easy when CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. S. And when we are done debugging, Adaptive Metrics allows us to revert to less verbose metrics by re-aggregating labels. Jan 10, 2024 · Prometheus federation can potentially lead to data duplication on the central server, especially if the same metrics are scraped from multiple sources or the federation configuration overlaps. PromQL supports the ability to join two metrics together: You can append a label set from one metric and append it to another at query time. we are looking for a unique count of all the unique combination of labels. Cardinality is how many unique values of something there are. Prometheus doesn't provide the ability to delete particular labels, because this may result to duplicate time series with identical labelsets. Here we focus on the most basic Prometheus concepts - metrics, labels, scrapes, and time series. answered Jul 18, 2017 at 2:57. Mar 24, 2016 · This will do matching for binops ignoring certain labels. Does that impact performance if cardinality of a single metric name increases vs cardinality spread across x metric names? If it does impact at what level. For example, given the following metric output: some_metric{server="server-0"} 30 1395066363000 some_metric{server="server-0"} 70 1395066363000 some_metric{server="server-0"} 100 1395066363000 Dec 2, 2022 · The job_exporter reads current state for jobs from APIs or databases and writes the low cardinality data to Prometheus. Which issue(s) this PR fixes: Fixes An option to add Kuberntes labels as Prometheus labels to metrics #1415; Relevant: Dynamic alert routing with Prometheus and Mar 15, 2022 · Here is an extraction from Prometheus best practices: CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Must be a RFC3339 formatted date or Unix timestamp. A fine example is a metric counting HTTP requests having path, method and response_code labels The short answer is to instrument everything. At the same time, it is also detecting state changes which it writes to logs in Loki with the same labels. Mar 3, 2023 · Since labels are copied around when Prometheus is handling queries this could cause significant memory usage increase. However, in Loki 3. Question: We want to monitor the number of different time series that exist at any point in time i. If during a query execution Prometheus finds a collision (label-wise) on the "one" side Prometheus Cardinality Exporter. Aug 23, 2022 · Labels cardinality reduction. Anything else we need to know?: Environment: Grafana version: main/9. Passing sample_limit is the ultimate protection from high cardinality. So you either have to pass the label when creating the constMetric, or you have to create a descriptor with constant labels. Setting label_limit provides some cardinality protection, but even with just one label name and huge number of values we can see high cardinality. The APIs and dashboards help you understand the active time series in GEM. Ideally, I would love to scrape our pods, rollup the metrics without the pod label, then drop the original metric immediately after to save memory. +"} That will give you everything where group starts with "misc group". MustNewConstMetric(c. Tip #1: How is a label used? . Together with the state changes, we write the full payload of information to logs that are collected by Loki. 3; Data source type & version: Prometheus 1. We can also use Prometheus’s relabeling feature to filter out unwanted labels. Feb 15, 2022 · Pass metric with method label name to our middleware. The following binary arithmetic operators exist in Prometheus: + (addition) - (subtraction) * (multiplication) / (division) % (modulo) ^ (power/exponentiation) Binary arithmetic operators are defined between scalar/scalar, vector/scalar, and vector/vector value pairs. Oliver. So for example a label containing HTTP methods would have a cardinality of 2 if you had only GET and POST in your application. Dec 22, 2017 · A word on label cardinality. For example, suppose Prometheus contains the following time series: If instance label is removed, then these two time series will become identical: Now neither Prometheus nor user can differentiate Feb 1, 2024 · AMK is right: your idea will very much lead to cardinality explosion. Aug 29, 2017 · It's raised internally by the Prometheus client_golang code to mark generally doing something bad (because labels for a metric shouldn't change between scrapes). Keep this data in the log lines and use filter expressions in your search. 5. 29. Feb 17, 2021 · You are not generating a descriptor with constant labels. When opening the value dropdown afterwards the UI will freeze as it attempts to populate too many items into the DOM. Observability. This metric has a cardinality of 13032, Nov 8, 2018 · 4. Design. A metric’s cardinality is the number of all observed combinations of labels’ values. Jul 11, 2023 · Specifically, you need to ensure that the cardinality of your label sets isn’t too high or you’ll overwhelm Prometheus. It will be valid to specify no labels, to cater for the node_cpu case. Let's start with Prometheus official documentation, it gives a good high-level explanation why: CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Other Prometheus-like systems may provide additional functionality for /api/v1/status/tsdb Oct 19, 2020 · when trying to create an alert on high metric cardinality with the expression count by(__name__) ({__name__=~". The URL for the Prometheus API with the data where the rule will be backfilled from. Labels are really powerful so it can be tempting to annotate each metric with very specific information, however there are some important limitations to what should be used for labels. Prometheus considers each unique combination of labels and label value as a different time series. This was originally started as an intern project by Harry Fallows during his internship at Thought Machine. Oct 2, 2019 · * Add workflow labels and annotations global vars (argoproj#1280) * Argo CI is current inactive (argoproj#1285) * Issue#896 Workflow steps with non-existant output artifact path will succeed (argoproj#1277) * Issue#896 Workflow steps with non-existant output artifact path will succeed Issue: argoproj#897 Solution: Added new element "optional Apr 14, 2018 · I have the same question before. We have three dashboards for this tool: Overview dashboard. And keep in mind that labels are multiplicative. Node names record the physical node on which the pod and its containers are running. GaugeValue, idle, "idle") Then there's cardinality for labels: Highest cardinality labels: 1037 name 589 __name__ 53 ifDescr 53 le 50 ifName. 1. Prometheus provides /api/v1/status/tsdb endpoint, which exposes metric names with the highest number of labels inside seriesCountByMetricName stats. Avoid using labels for dimensions with high cardinality. So if your application started supporting PUT, then the cardinality would be 3. Every library, subsystem and service should have at least a few metrics to give you a rough idea of how it is performing. add more target option to separate instance and add labels. 11. We end up with huge amounts of time series like the following: CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Use label matchers to narrow the search space as much as you can. This will match all that is misc group. Secondly I propose that the labels listed in the group_ modifier be copied from the one side to the many side. If you are familiar with Prometheus, the term used there is series; however, Prometheus has an additional dimension: metric name. Misc. Jul 2, 2021 · Hey everyone! Was writing because we have a pod label cardinality issue with prometheus and, besides a shard bases approach I was wondering if there are any other solutions. Does the label help someone woken up at 2am identify the problem? Is there a predictable number of values for the label? If the answer to the above questions is no, consider having the label on an event log instead of in Prometheus. Adding this metadata to each sample increases your Prometheus labels’ cardinality, which in turn increases the number of time-series Prometheus needs to store. Nov 2, 2022 · On high cardinality prometheus instance select name as label filter label. High cardinality can have significant implications for Prometheus’s performance, resource consumption, and query efficiency. It’s a common balancing act between the desire to have per-tenant metrics and the cardinality explosion that ensues (adding a single tenant label to an existing Prometheus metric would increase its cardinality by the number of tenants). An active time series is one that has not yet been written to long-term storage Aug 7, 2023 · For those open source backends, there are other options available from the community. +"})) When you run this query, Prometheus will display the current cardinality on the server segmented by the label job. GaugeOpts{. Regular Cleanup: Periodically clean up old or unnecessary data to keep the storage Nov 16, 2022 · But I have found that there is no metric which can give me unique label names or count of unique labels or unique values for each label. High cardinality metrics can significantly slow query performance and consume more storage, leading to increased costs and operational challenges. {. It is the canonical way to specify static targets in a scrape configuration. Sep 2, 2019 · Prometheus performance almost always comes down to one thing: label cardinality. Prometheus Performance shouldn't be affected as long as whitelisted labels are not changing constantly. This makes going from alert to console to code easy when Nov 19, 2023 · Label cardinality is an important aspect to consider when working with Prometheus. My guess is it is a bug that when determining the prometheus label EnableCPUFreq is true before attacher can check the failure. Is there any way to calculate these label details in Grafana? prometheus CAUTION: Remember that every unique combination of key-value label pairs represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Unique external labels that are consistently used can help identify and differentiate metrics from different sources, reducing duplication. Jul 24, 2021 · July 24, 2021. Instantiate the metric classes in the same file you use them. If so, ConstLabels is not what you're looking for. (e. You will have multiple labels, multiple target labels and targets. It also exposes other useful stats, which may help determining the source of high cardinality: P. The Prometheus operator offers a simple method to scrape metrics from any Pod. While high cardinality can provide valuable insights, it can also pose challenges in terms of storage, performance, and resource utilization. So, - job_name: cluster1. 2. NewGaugeVec(. And with this comes an increase in cardinality, the number of unique sets of data in a time series Oct 19, 2021 · g. If you must have that label, at least for privacy hash the username before setting it as label, but then again you still have the high cardinality problem. fm ez tb tp gi xb pb ig pi qy